Add the possibility of paying via site balance through embeds by logging in your email address.
Add the option to add a minimum deposit for site balance.
Why am I asking this?
Let's imagine I want to create an smm panel (social media followers etc)... yes it is a project I am working on but unfortunately I cannot start it as nobody offers this functionality.
Let's say I want to create an smm panel with sellpass embeds, if the followers are 0.0010 each there are many, many problems, namely:
Payments are not confirmed through paypal f&f as it does not allow payments with too many digits after the comma.
Well, let's imagine I want to do this with stripe, I can't, it only accepts two digits after the comma.
That's why site balance comes to the rescue,
if for example I wanted to sell 10 followers, I cannot, as the amount would be too small and between taxes and transfers I would not earn anything.
I am currently selling in bulk of 500, but let's be honest, not everyone needs this amount.
By adding a site balance with for example a 5 euro minimum deposit, I would be able to make a profit, customers would be able to make small purchases and there would be no problems with unidentified payments.
Please take this request into consideration.